Employees of Novgorod University banned from criticizing the president

2023-4-21 19:32


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The legal department of Novgorod State University created a code …


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The legal department of Novgorod State University created a code of ethics and conduct for university employees, which was then distributed by the Rector's Office to all departments. 

The document contains several "basic principles of behavior," including refraining from making harsh or unethical statements about the authorities or the president in the media and on the internet, preventing the spread of false information about the armed forces, and avoiding the dissemination of tendentious and false materials regarding the national leadership's decisions.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, university students and teachers have faced pressure from their administrations in various regions. For instance, the Perm branch of the Higher School of Economics terminated the employment of Dinara Gagarina, head of the humanities department, due to her anti-war posts. A court ruling on April 20th upheld the university administration's decision.

In another case, in February, Pavel Kolosnitsyn, a senior lecturer in the Department of Russian History and Archaeology at Novgorod State University, was fined for abusing the freedom of mass information for his commentary on Russian losses during the war in Ukraine.



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