Protest erupts as people in Dagestan block highway over water shortages

2023-8-15 11:15

Residents of Dagestan blocked the highway to draw attention to the lack of water in the town of Karman-2. According to the "Chernovik"…

Residents of Dagestan blocked the highway to draw attention to the lack of water in the town of Karman-2. According to the "Chernovik" publication, the settlement has been without water all summer.

The protest caused a conflict between the protestors and drivers. Fifty police officers arrived at the place. The press office reported that they managed to settle the conflict.

This is a third major protest in Dagestan over the past month. On August 9, a crowd blocked a street in Makhachkala because of a three-day blackout. The head of Dagestan, Sergey Melikov, said that the old power system failed because of the hot weather, causing blackouts and accidents. According to Melikov, it will take several years to fix the problem.

In late July, a spontaneous rally was held in the town of Izberbash over water supply problems. Melikov demanded an inspection of the administration.


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the water dagestan blocked protest town melikov according


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