A rally against electronic summonses banned in St. Petersburg suburbs

2023-4-19 11:15

The St. Petersburg branch of the Yabloko party was denied permission by the Murino city administration to hold a protest rally against electronic summonses. Officials insisted that the no…

The St. Petersburg branch of the Yabloko party was denied permission by the Murino city administration to hold a protest rally against electronic summonses. Officials insisted that the notice of the event should’ve been submitted in paper format, while the organizers chose to do it online. The rally was scheduled for April 23. Yabloko representatives called the refusal absurd.

"Requesting to report to the military registration and enlistment office can be done by e-mail and even without proof of receipt, and to apply for a rally to exercise the constitutional right to freedom of assembly - necessarily on paper and with signatures," said party deputy chairman Boris Vishnevsky.

The organizers have rescheduled the rally for April 29. The notice of the event was submitted in paper.В 

The law on electronic summonses was passed by the Duma on April 11 and subsequently approved by the Federation Council. The law enables the authorities to summon conscripts and enlisted men via electronic messages sent to their personal accounts on Gosuslugi. Failure to respond may result in registration as a draft dodger, which could result in restrictions on travel, driving, obtaining loans, and licensing for self-employed individuals.

The law prompted activists in Samara to initiate a petition to repeal it, which garnered nearly 109,000 signatures.


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