In Severodvinsk, an activist is detained for trying to record an appeal to Putin against QR codes

2021-11-5 12:07

In Arkhangelsk Oblast, Governor Alexander Tsybulsky imposed additiona…

In Arkhangelsk Oblast, Governor Alexander Tsybulsky imposed additional measures to counter the coronavirus infection distribution on October 27. Residents can go shopping (except grocery stores and pharmacies) only if they have QR codes or vaccination certificates. On October 15, regional Chief Public Health Officer Taras Nosovskoy signed a decree on service workers' mandatory vaccination.

Sergei Ilyukhin from Severodvinsk did not agree with the restrictions imposed in the region. On October 31, he published an announcement of the action on his page on The activist stressed in it that "not vaccinated people were being declared guilty of the fact that the �epidemic’ had still been going on in the country." According to the resident of Severodvinsk, people who do not get vaccinated are suspended from work and left without means of support. The social activist also noted that "the planned event would not be a rally." He referred to Article 32 of the Constitution of Russia, which states that citizens have the right to assemble peacefully.

At the meeting on November 4, about 300 residents of Severodvinsk recorded a video message to President Vladimir Putin demanding to cancel the QR-code system and mandatory vaccination. In addition, local residents organized the collection of signatures against the imposition of restrictions. Sergei Ilyukhin was assumed to record the video with the residents, but another activist did it instead.

As Oksana Vladyka, the chairman of the Yabloko Party’s city branch, told 7x7's correspondent, the day before the action, the police drew up a protocol against the activist for calling for participation in an unagreed event under Part 8 of Article 20.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Law enforcement officers brought Ilyukhin to court. But the judge released the social activist due to the fact that the protocol had been drawn up with errors. However, on November 4, the police detained Sergei Ilyukhin again an hour before the event.

"The protocol was drawn up against him on Part 8 on the repeated offense, because the first one was due to the quarter 100. It is unknown why Sergei has been detained today. In addition, another person, who read the appeal to the president instead of Ilyukhin, was detained at the event. There were a lot of law enforcement officers, they all took photos and videos," Oksana Vladyka gave a comment to 7x7.

According to the activist, the violation of basic rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms is unacceptable. Vladyka added that people did not support Alexander Tsybulsky’s decree. They believe that the authorities' decision divides society into vaccinated and unvaccinated people, and medical care is not provided properly in the region.

"The biggest demand in society is for justice. People see unfair treatment and try to resist it. They try to claim their rights and defend them. But appealing to the president turns out to be illegal", Oksana Vladyka said.

The court hearing on the administrative violation case is to be held on November 5.

Residents' dissatisfaction with the imposition of QR codes and mandatory vaccination has spread to many regions of the country. Residents of Vologda were the first to rebel. They have collected more than 6 thousand signatures against mandatory QR codes. The citizens said they were not against vaccination itself, but the rules introduced by officials contradicted the fundamentals of the country's Constitution.

Activists from KhMAD have collected about 2 thousand signatures demanding to hold Maya Solovyova, the of the local Rospotrebnadzor (Russian Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights) who had signed the decree on mandatory vaccination, liable. When residents came to give her a collective appeal, Solovyova called the police.

In Komi, deputies of the Pechora Town Council from the Communist Party have filed an appeal with the Prosecutor of the Komi Republic with a demand to check the legality of imposing mandatory vaccinations and a QR-code system in the region. They see the imposition of restrictive measures as a violation of basic constitutional rights to freedom of movement, work, etc. Residents of Syktyvkar also held one-person pickets against the imposition of restrictions.

In the Kaluga Region, the parents' movement also organized the collection of signatures, which they wanted to file with the Prosecutor General's Office, the prosecutor of the region and governor Vladislav Shapsha. The head of the region promised in a live broadcast to provide "medical assistance" to the activists, calling their behavior defiant.


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