A teacher from Arkhangelsk, suspended due to refusal to be vaccinated, holds a picket at the Ministry of Education

2021-11-30 19:27



Olga Zaozerskaya at the picket. Photo of the Nation-Wide Union of the Revival of Russia’ Arkhangelsk branch

Olga Zaozerskaya said that she and other teachers had been suspended from work due to refusal to get vaccinated against coronavirus at the end of September. According to the teacher, she has not been paid since then. The woman decided to hold a picket at the Ministry of Education of Russia to draw attention to the problem and get an appointment with the Minister of Education Sergei Kravtsov.

The teacher believes that her employer was wrong; she intends to go to court.

Earlier, the school management reprimanded Zaozerskaya twice for refusing to wear a mask. According to the directorate, the woman violated the institution’s order on the mandatory wearing of individual protective equipment, based on the Ministry of Education and Science’s document and Rospotrebnadzor’s (Russian Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights) recommendations.

Teachers from different regions are against mandatory vaccination. In Bryansk Oblast, Vladimir Pashigorev, a civil engineering college’s history teacher, spoke out against mandatory vaccination at a public meeting with the deputy governor for healthcare. He said that he was not going to comply with the management’s requirements on mandatory vaccination. The teacher added that if he was fired, he would go to court.


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